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The 9 Forks Recovoery Program

For those suffering with addiction issues,

the 9 Forks is an alternative program.

When awareness of the 9 Forks is practiced daily,

 change occurs from the inside out creating feelings of

well-being, connection, and purpose.

The reason The 9 Forks is needed today is many individuals suffer with issues surrounding substance abuse such as: alcohol, Marijuana, perscription drugs, etc. and they are unable to find help with current programs.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been around for nearly 100 years. It was started by two men who had attended a Christian recovery program. AA has helped many individuals stop their destructive drinking behavior. The AA program has not worked for other individuals.


There are numerous reasons the AA program is not for everyone who suffers from addiction issues. Below are some things from the AA progarm that have not worked for some people.


Of the program's 12 steps, half refer to a supreme being outside the individual. Some people have a difficult time with this concept.


Step one states, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.” Some people believe in their own power to change their lives.

AA uses the label, “I’m an alcoholic.” This doesn’t work for some people who don’t want to use judgments that can be limiting.


AA has a strong social aspect. This can work well for socially inclined individuals, but it doesn’t work well for individuals who are more introverted or have social anxiety.


The 12 steps in AA don’t have within them a practice of becoming aware of how daily thoughts, beliefs, and feelings cause us to make the choices we do. There is no awareness that our needs are the driving force behind our behavior. Without discovering what it is we need, and making changes to meet those needs, we will have an extremely difficult time abstaining from the thing that helps us escape (for a time) when our needs are not met.

The 9 Forks program helps us discover how our thoughts and beliefs cause us to feel the way we do, and how our feelings cause us to behave the way we do. With this awareness, we can change our thougths, beliefs, and feelings. When we do, we will make different choices. These new choices are what will create change in our lives. 

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