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Nueroplasticity is the ability to change our brains.


It is the ability of the brain to change throughout life. For many years scientists believed the brain didn’t change after its initial development in childhood and that it was fixed by the time we were in our twenties. With the development of new technology in the 70's, such as MRIs, scientists discovered the brain is changeable, mold-able like plastic. New connections can be made between brain cells, essentially, we can change our brains.

Because our brain is made up of pathways, it is now known that we can treat things such as depression, addiction, anxiety, and a multitude of other issues by retraining our brains and making new pathways.

Neuro - Greek for neuron - nerve

Plastic - Capable of being molded


This two-minute video explains simply, and clearly, how pathways form in our brains. The pathways 

come from what we think, how we feel, and act. Habitual thoughts, feelings, and actions cause our brain to take the same route. By changing what we think, and thus how we feel and what we do, new pathways are created that lead to new ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. These pathways can create a positive upward spiral of transformation.

Dr. Richard J. Davidson is a professor of psycology at the University of Wisonson. 

Ted Talk: How Mindfulness Changes the Emotional Life of Our Brains.

This 18 minute video talks about The Four Pillars of a Healthy Mind: Awareness, Connection, Insight, Purpose. "The wiring in our brains is not fixed, it's adabtable." We can nurish our brains and change our lives. 

Daniel Amen is a double board-certified psychiatrist who specializes in brain health. He has nine best-selling books.

Ted Talk: The Most Important lesson from 83,000 Brain Scans.

This 14 minute video talks about our brain's ability to change.

Sandrine Thuret, Neuroscientist. Thuret studies Neuro Genesis: the brain's ability to grow new brain cells.


Ted Talk: You Can Grow New Brain Cells: Here’s How

This 11-minute video talks about how stress, sleep deprivation, and a diet high in saturated fat will all exacerbate depression and decrease neuron growth. The things that will increase new neurons and alleviate depression are learning,

running, diet, intermittent fasting, omega 3, and sex. 

Rick Hanson, Clinical Psychiatrist. 


Greater Good Science Center: Understanding Neuroplasticity

This 7-minute video talks about how we can change our brains by changing how our minds work.

Ruby Wax, Comedian 


How Neuroplasticity Can Help with Depression: Her Personal Story

In this 7 minute video, Ruby talks about her own experience and discovering how to change her brain and her life.

Barbara Arrowsmith-Young 

She was told at the age of six (in 1957) that she had a mental defect and that our brains do not change.

This 14-minute video is about her personal journey from emotional pain (feeling suicidal at 13) to studying psychology to discover what was wrong with her. She did exercises to strengthen the weak parts of her brain. This changed her life completely.

"I was living proof of human neuroplasticity."

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