Annoyance or Awareness
I decided to do a 3-day Mindfulness Retreat because so often I felt judgmental and negative. Numerous times a day I'd say, “That’s...
Annoyance or Awareness
My Meditation Practice
Why I Meditate
Mindful Energy Shifting
2021 S**t Happens
Running Commitment
The Steady Flow of Life
Memories & The Dance of Life
Healthy Body, Heart, & Mind
I Am Magically Powerful
The Know-it-all Syndrome
The Revolving Door Syndrome
The Virus, Racism, and Einstein
Mr. Rogers & The Three Things
What My Dog & The Coronavirus Taught Me
My Father Taught Me So Much
The Old Story & The New Story
The Grand Adventure - Not Waiting, Just Being
Quiet Time
2020 Just Do It!