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Love Is Where It's At!


Updated: Jan 6, 2023

In his book, The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck opens with, “Life is difficult.” It certainly can be. Why is life so hard at times? It seems to come from desire. We desire something, it doesn’t happen and we suffer because of it. IF we didn’t want something, we certainly wouldn’t care if we didn’t get it. Conversely, when we get something we want, life seems grand, at least in that moment – until we want something else. We live our lives between wanting and getting or not getting and being frustrated and disappointed.

Sammie the squirrel is getting some water.

I’ve had some desires of late. I’d like to get rid of the squirrel and rat that have taken up residence in my back yard. They have all the bird seed they want and a wonderful barrel pond where they can drink. Being in property management, my desire is to evict them. I’ve tried many things, but none have succeeded. The free-loaders have done about $100 worth of damage.

Computer crap!

I also desire to be rid of computer problems that cause me not to be able to run my publishing business successfully. Besides that, Amazon makes me want to cuss – sometimes I do – because they keep sending me the wrong version of my book. I’m also tired of trying to figure out all the ends and outs of the online marketing world of Facebook, Google, and YouTube. My last desire is to not have my business sink me into debt.

My gratitude frog fell off the shelf the other day and broke both his legs. On the way down he knocked over my carved, wood LOVE sign. Hum, that seems interesting. I haven’t been feeling very grateful, and I sort of forgot about the whole love thing that I say is the most important thing in my life.

I watched a great movie the other day. The Biggest Little Farm is about a couple who left LA to buy a farm. I have a dream to own a farm someday. This couple had their dream come true, but it was filled with many trials, tribulations, frustrations, and disappointments.

I am reminded over and over again how we want something and truly believe if we get it everything will change and our lives will be wonderful. It’s just not reality on planet Earth.

The couple in the movie had a desire to live in harmony with nature, but they discovered nature has a tremendous amount of disharmony. Like me, they fought predators. But theirs threatened to destroy the farm from foxes eating their chickens to birds and aphids demolishing all their plants. Through hard work, they are finding a way to make their dream prevail.

My favorite quote from the movie is, “Observation followed by creativity is becoming our greatest ally.” They observed the problems and found creative solutions.

This is what I write about in my books. It’s also what I talk about in my workshops, but I forget!

My plan is to observe more, complain less, and be more grateful. I can work at creatively solving what I can, and letting go of what I can’t change. Ultimately, I want to remember LOVE is where it’s at!

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