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Me & The Three Frogs


Updated: Aug 17, 2019

Today is the ten year anniversary of stopping the negative story in my head. What an amazing journey it has been out of the darkness into the light of truth and freedom. Sounds cheesy I know, but it’s great to be alive, living in the real world that exists outside the destructive thoughts that circled around in my head.

Now that I’ve gotten the roaring, lying lion in my mind tamed, I’m working on being calmer, more present, and centered. I’m typically wound up by nature, sort of a Type A personality, except I’m a pretty nice person. I want to be like a Type B person: relaxed, less stressed, flexible, emotional and expressive, with a laid back attitude.

So, I take time each day to sit. Sitting quietly is really good for me. I have to admit I hated it at first. Because I am so high strung, it was extremely difficult to sit and do nothing!

I also started doing yoga about five years ago because of an injury. I don’t like yoga, but I do it anyway because my body and mind need it.

One day in a store, I saw the three little frog statues that were in yoga poses; I had to buy them and bring them home. They sit on a shelf in my living room.

January 1, 2015

January 1, 2000

Right outside the window beyond the little frogs sits the big redwood tree I planted in 2000. My frog friends and the tree help me with yoga and with being present.

The first frog is in the yoga tree pose. For me this represents being grounded right here, right now, grounded in the earth and reaching to the sky. The third frog is in the yoga warrior one pose with arms stretched up high. This means finding my strength in gratitude, so I can fight off the negative voice if it rises up. The frog in the middle is sitting on a lily pad. This represents floating in gratitude in the present. I’m relaxed, calm, and flexible. I sit in the realization of all I have, and all that life is. Every day I start and end my day with these words, "I am grateful to be alive, for all I have, and for this day.

It’s great not suffering with depression. It's empowering to take mini, daily breaks from my whirlwind life and thoughts. It’s wonderful to be present because that’s where I find resilience, connection, peace, love, and joy.

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